
GTA San Andreas Mods


ENB Series

cENB V 3.0 for low PC - Major Updates

Author: TomGT234, DK22PAC, fastman92, Hollow, NopeToDope, SilentPL | Email
Date: 12.07.2015
Downloads: 6188 | Statistics
Filesize: 17.664 MB

8.93 based on 14 votes

The Major Update is here! After few Optimization, and some Bug Fixing, this ENB comes out in Handy, making it the best cENB version so far, compared to the V 1.0 and V 2.0 .

Wait, what's change?
- Added Road Reflection (see the Screenshot)
- Added several choose-able LensFlare, so you can Find the best LensFlare that suits you
- Fixed Reflection, More HD and Better Lightning, compared to the Last Version
- Added 2 Choose-able ENB-Palette. So, you can choose one of them that suits your style :)
- Added NopeToDope GTA V particle for Low PC. In total, you have 2 Particle.txd to choose. (One particle.txd is 18Mb, and I noticed this is a Massive Lag for Low PC, so NopeToDope's GTA V particle should comes in Handy)
- Completely New Timecyc, Added Several Stars in the Night, and Greater Draw Distance
- Foggy Atmosphere added when you're high in the sky (Low PC Compatible)

Q: How to install the ENB?
A: Simply Copy the Folders to your GTA SA Root Folder

Q:How to Install the Lens Flare?
A:Read The Read Me files provided in the Folder

Q:How to Activate and Dis-activate?
A: Simply press "SHIFT + F12" On your keyboard

Q: Will there be another Version?
A: Maybe, Depends on How you guys suggest me :p

Well, pretty much, I work a lot with this ENB. Started straight away since the release of cENB V 2.0 was approved by Admin, so please leave any Review, suggestion, or rating. It will be meant so much for me :)

- Cars, Roads, And other Environment that unrelated to the Mod, DOES NOT INCLUDED
- I'm not responsible for any Crash, or Error. Consider to make a Back up files before Installing
- cENB V 4.0 may come. You're able to Leave any Review and suggestion to improve the gameplay :)

- TomGT234
- Boris Vorontsov (ENB Series Creator)
- Rockstar (The Game itself)
- fastman92 (In-Game timecyc Editor)
- NopeToDope (GTA V Particle for low PC creator)
- Hollow (Lens Flare Variation Mix)
- FiniX (Helped me a little for the Texture Detail)
- SilentPL (Road Reflection Creator)

Have fun and Enjoy!

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cENB V 3.0 for low PC - Major Updates
cENB V 3.0 for low PC - Major Updates cENB V 3.0 for low PC - Major Updates cENB V 3.0 for low PC - Major Updates

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