We’re proud to inform you that a new BETA version of GTAinside.com has gone online! This open BETA will provide you an impression how GTAinside might look like in the future. The main objective of the upcoming website design was to improve the navigation and to provide a strict separation of the Grand Theft Auto series. These are the main changes you will notice:
There are also tons of minor changes which will improve your GTAinside experience. We hope that you enjoy the BETA. Please feel free to provide us feedback and take this opportunity to be a part of the future GTAinside version.
@Alex ok
The new version will be launched in the next two or three weeks. Stay tuned, guys!!
@Alex I Congratulate you on your improvement of the website! Great job!
Improving navigation and implementing a game filter were the central goals for the next version of GTAinside.
Both are great however i think this newer is makes it a bit easier to navigate around the site
Well both are great for me 10/10
@Alex cool version
This is a cool version of gta inside 10/10
Looks comfy.
Enjoy your vacation, Alex.
Thanks for the feedback guys! I really appreciate your support!
I will finalize the BETA when I'm back from vacation!
Beta is very nice!! hope this will be finalized soon!!!
wow.....!!!! its much better sir @Alex
its awesome finish it fast as u can
The Beta looks nice, but I like the old-school one more.
Also, I'd reorder the description and screenshots boxes - I'd put description over screenshots, so it'd be wider and A LOT EASIER to read.
Something like this:
BTW: how to embed links?
@Alex kannst du vielleicht noch so machen, dass die Usernames als Link bei jeden Mods stehen? Man muss sonst den Namen kopieren und auf eigenes profil gehen, und dort im link einfügen. Das finde ich etwas unbequem. Ansonsten sieht alles top aus!
good work
Very nice the beta site!
More corrections and aesthetic
time to open beta and close the old vrision
Dear admin
very good to see new version of gtainside.com
ice coole dude.
I like this new version and his awesome!
thanks and i see myself online!hehehehe
Theoretisch ist dies möglich. Allerdings werden dadurch sehr viele ungerechtfertige und negative Bewertungen abgegeben.
I love the new interface! Looks polished and more professional as well as clean. ☺
Lieber Alex!
Die neue [BETA] Webseite ist cool und klar. Es ist viel besser als die ältere Version ! Aber ich habe eine Frage : ist es möglich, dass die Abstimmung sollte wieder normal sein? Ich meine, die Gäste können auch abstimmen ( votieren ). Nicht nur der Benutzer :)
Ich warte auf deine Antwort
Viele Grüße
Yes that's right, @Mr. Raspberry Jam
@Ring master um, the current version also showing "who's online" it's on the right bar to the bottom if I remember it correctly
@Mr. Raspberry Jam
Okay I understand
Alles klar, danke!
@Alex Mozilla Firefox
Und danke
@Alex lol, sorry m8, I meant that the interface is similar to that one, but yours are more friendly than GTAall version can't wait until the new interface come out
Das neue Design ist Top, genau wie das alte!
Hey @MrGTAmodsgerman,
vielen Dank für deine ausführliche Kritik mit Anschauungsmaterial. Einige deiner Vorschläge gefallen mir. Allerdings lassen sich technisch nicht alle ohne Weiteres umsetzen, da wir an Bildschirmbreiten und ähnlichem teilweise Vorgaben haben, die wir einhalten müssen. Aber ich werde mir in den kommenden Wochen mal Gedanken machen.
Schön, dass es dir ansonsten gefällt. Das mit mehr Mod-Bilder lässt sich einrichten. Stay tuned
Achja: Welchen Browser benutzt du?
@Alex Hey, cooles Update aber ich muss leider kritisieren, undswar finde ich die news b.z.w die Startseite mega unübersichtlich. In dem Fall finde ich die nicht Beta Version besser weil man alle GTAs an der Seite sieht und man so erst auf die einzelnen GTA s gelangt. Aber mit dem neuen Filter wo ich keine News sehe sondern gewürfelte wirkt es sehr unübersichtlich.
Schau mal ich habe mal dargestellt wie es besser wäre nach meiner Meinung:
Und bitte mehr Modbilderslots die man nehmen kann um Bilder von seinen Mod zu zeigen
Sonst find ich es nice
Quote: Mr. Raspberry Jam
it looks like GTAall
it looks like GTAall
Quote: GT4tube
Boring new version! Stay old still good enough...
Boring new version! Stay old still good enough...
Didnt see any problems ! The beta looks very nice !
very nice
@Alex hey Alex can you make it like facbook XD i hate always when i repload it to see the modification and by the color Mmmm you should think about it its looks like an old website think about a hight colors HD colors for the back ground ofcarce and hey alex the tool bar in the top its not a good idea its not confertable but i like the size of the images i can see everthing and please! please! please! add more emogis for a good commants and sory for my bad english
You know what? The interface is very friendly and the loading speed is better! Only, the mods per game, or the preview down is not so... cool. I know this is BETA. It's very good interface. Keep it up Alex GTAInside is THE best mod site for GTA
@AC-130 Pilot
This problem is caused by the fact that both versions (normal and beta) are running at the same time. This will be fixed when BETA is over.
Thanks for your attention.
One minor thing, is the size of profile background picture restricted to 860x200 on purpose because larger images were causing problems? If no, then could you please remove the restriction (like in the non-beta version)?
My hyper super ultra 400k pics are getting stretched!!! xdd
I'm really happy that you guys like it
Very Good Beta Website
I like it
Good Beta Website
its more like 5 sites of gta series mod in one site, 5 in 1. nice...
Wow Alex Perfect nice version beta
You've done a great job with the website, but the original is still comfortable.
Still TOP!
Menü TOP!
Auswahl TOP! das sieht SEHR GUT aus ;) gute arbeit
Make it for mobile, that would be great.
We definitely are!
Thanks for your support!
WoW! Just WoW! i'm here happy with my GTAinside Family
Thanks to @Alex and all modders and members and fans!
We are GTAinside.com Family
Die Seiten laufen vollkommen parallel zurzeit, falls du das meinst. Alle Inhalte werden also auf beiden Seiten angezeigt.
@Mr.© Bolleck®
Danke! Freut mich, dass es dir gefällt!
The decision about what content is shown is up to the visitors from now on. If you want to see the whole world of GTA, don't use the filter.
The news summaries will be still available. Just check out the news headlines on the welcome page.
sehr schön gemacht Alex
es freut mich zu sehen das man mit seinen Zielen wächst
werden die mods mit übernommen Alex? :)
I really like about gtainside, that the games are NOT separated. The new page looks very nice, but I prefer the existing concept where you have an overview of all games every week. People will just use the filters and forget about the other games.
In my view the used colors are timeless ... what colors would you prefer?
@Alex can you change the colors of the website it seems to me Old 5 years and you dident change it lol
Thank you very much for the feedback, guys! Fantastic to hear that you like the BETA! I really appreciate your feedback
It will be removed when the BETA is over.
Quote: Alex
Nice to hear that, guys!![]()
If you find any bugs, please post some info here.
@Alex we need those signatures...
@Alex Think about adding YouTube and Blog url on posts.. like you have done for paypal account... That would be great
@ThatsMe Yea.. Really AWESOME!!
@Alex I'm so excited for this..
excellent new changes, but : in my case slower the page horrible internet connection of my country , which is the worst of America is charging.
Proposal: is it possible to read the previous comments and that sometimes we are curious about our first comments?
I´ll check it latter, but by the way, for the mentioned features this new version is going to be even better than the current version.
Update: I just check it and what I really like it about the new version is the easy access to the modifications; also I liked the filter toolbar, now I can see the newest modifications of all the GTA that I play in one page instead of check it one by one.
a small file weight information before entering the post would come in handy!
That's much better and cleaner. I really like it.
10/10 hehe
Looks fresh and clean, tho I would like to see News feed on the first page, like it was on an old page, otherwise it feels like Im "in" somewhere, and not on the main page.
Other than that, great job
And if I can ask something to be added/changed, make bigger preview pictures when you click on them, I mean this one.
@alex the new beta site looks good and its easy to use.
It also shows who's online , thats a nice feature.
Why dont you add a feature in which guest can rate a mod.
Place it next to the members rating button.
In this way a mod can be judged by the member ratings and the guest ratings.
@Alex Now, please could you remove that Bar on top which says "Leave BETA Gtainside" Cause I wanted to remove it and use the Beta Version whithout being interuptted with that bar.
Nice to hear that, guys!
If you find any bugs, please post some info here.