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11.07.2018, 23:56
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SA_DirectX 2.0
Makarus | 17.06.2018 | 6341445

Kommentare: 19

@Lil Slim C
That's what I thought bitch.

SA_DirectX 2.0
Makarus | 17.06.2018 | 6341445

Kommentare: 19

@Lil Slim C
"There isn't any good graphic mod for GTA 3/VC/SA that isn't named "SkyGFX"."

That right there is what you call a SkyGFX fanboy. Thank you for proving me and the other guy right. Everything else you stated in your useless comment has already been gone over several times so I'm not going to explain again why you're wrong. You should of caught on by now on how you've been wrong this whole time but you're just a dumbass so it's clear that's not going to happen.

SA_DirectX 2.0
Makarus | 17.06.2018 | 6341445

Kommentare: 19

@Lil Slim C
Weak reply. I guarantee you didn't read all of it because you think you're better than everyone else although you know nothing you're talking about.

SA_DirectX 2.0
Makarus | 17.06.2018 | 6341445

Kommentare: 19

@Lil Slim C
GTX 1080 2GB?
1TB of RAM?

"Windows 7 Ultimate (32-BIT)" - says the dumbass, notice the number 32.

"AMD Ryzen 5 2300X" - I don't even think it's out yet, stop acting like a dumbass and putting random components that you'll never have because you can't afford them in the first place.

I thought the other guy was really stupid but you never fail when it comes to proving how much of an idiot you are. Like I said before, read what you type before you actually press the "submit" button because you're just making yourself look like an idiot again. It's actually very funny to me that you say "1TB of RAM" which even sounds ridiculous yet you don't even know what it means and you don't even know how much money it costs (you can't buy it anyways because you live in a box). What do you need 1TB of RAM for anyways? Running that orange shit on your GTA SA or running GTA IV at 60 fps with medium setting (according to you that's good)? At this point, I knew I was going to say this eventually, stop playing on PC and just move to console because over all of my years of seeing idiots on the internet, you are amongst the top 5 of the list. You clearly know NOTHING about what you've been typing out in your ridiculous comments. Do you remember when you said you were leaving the conversation? I sure do. You probably can't leave because your computer can't be used for anything good. It's so shitty that it can't even run GTA SA at default to the point where you have to downgrade and use orange simulator and delusional "reflections".

"Your both dumbasses need to shut up"

Do I really need to explain how stupid you sound? Just read it. Nobody is forcing you try and speak English, you said you were going to leave.

SA_DirectX 2.0
Makarus | 16.06.2018 | 6341445

Kommentare: 19

The specifications you listed for your computer are weak. I can probably find those components laying around somewhere at a dump.