
GTA San Andreas Mods



Teleport Locations 1.1

Autor: SameShine2k18
Datum: 21.10.2018
Downloads: 4812 | Statistiken
Dateigröße: 2.257 MB

10.00 bei 3 Bewertungen

Vesion 1.1

--> First / initial version was purposefully made to not be arranged in alphabetical order on the main page but was rather listed in a fashion of going all the way around the state in somewhat of a circle and back, as it would appear on the map, but i have now decided to arrange them alphabetically excluding the Girlfriends section as that's a bit separate.. Will leave it this way for now

--> Also changed fxt text of Barbara's name...was misspelt

There have been teleport scripts before, yes. This one takes you to certain pre-determined points. So you know exactly where your going. Don't need much more than that for you to get around the state...

" T " to launch menu and choose a selection. Horn to select, Enter vehicle button to jump back to previous table or will exit if your on the main table, that's all.

*If you try teleporting from inside a building you will most likely end-up in the outer space world.. I could prevent that from happening by not allowing the script to initiate if you are inside but i let it stay so you can go there if you want, just in case.

Girlfriend house locations are also available on the list so now you won't have to be late for a date again :D
Denise is not on the list as when ur in Ganton you're already in the hood.

tlocations.cs files goes in cleo folder
for_tlocations.fxt goes in cleo/cleo_text folder

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Teleport Locations  1.1
Teleport Locations  1.1

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